Love Your Dishes


The Art of The Table

I get it, at first glance, l’art de la table sounds pompous, stiff and frankly redundant doesn’t it ?

You imagine a dinner at the Vanderbilts, a headline in a glossy for a prohibitively expensive French boutique or a ‘hoity -toity’ 50’s magazine on best housekeeping, and non are relevant to your lifestyle. But let’s delve in a little, dismember the words, and bungee jump a mile away from that starchy first impression. Check it out - Table & Art - down to earth stuff right? The Art might even have some street-cred, and the table could be the premise for something to do with food - now we’re talking current, relevant and attainable!

I confess, I am a geek when it comes to dishes, recycling old china, picking up a plate at a thrift store and breathing life back into dusty family heirlooms. Like a magpie, I love collecting new shiny things and I love meeting a potter, or a glassblower - their creations will always tell a story. The art of the table may sound fancy, but it’s really about sprinkling your creativity, having fun, respecting the food you eat, and yes, making your loved ones feel special.

My advice is relax, its art - doing your own thing is the art! Please leave your fear of judgeship behind and unleash your creativity. Don’t fret doing what everyone else is doing when it comes to decorating your table. The art of the table is not ‘High Stakes Fashion’ where last year’s trend will leave you undesirable to those you’re trying to impress. In fact it’s quite the contrary, your individuality wins the house here, so just have fun with your dishes, glasses and decorations.


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